Clubhouse is open from 9-9 everyday.
Room rentals are available for meetings/events/activities with Management Approval
Owner/Renter Eligibility:
a. Eligible Property Owner (“Owner”): account with the association must be in good standing, and all assessments, fines, interest and fees have been paid.
b. Eligible Renter (“Renter”) - individuals renting from an Owner: The Owner, as defined above, and the Renter, must both have a current Homeowner Rental Agreement on file with the Corkscrew Shores Master Association, Inc. (“Association”).
Corkscrew Shores approved events, such as committees & clubs, may use the amenity center at NO COST, when the primary use is for Corkscrew Shores Owner or Member Events (i.e. Bingo & Poker club; Nine and Dine, Faith & Friends, etc.).
Owners may reserve for private events at NO COST but are subject to a deposit for cleaning which will be returned to the Owner if the room is left in a clean condition.
Renters may reserve for private events but must pay a rental fee.
Owners (reserving for an outside group), and all Renters (who can reserve for private events, but not for outside groups), must pay both the rental and cleaning fee. The rental fee is Non-refundable. Owners must be present if an outside group is renting the facility.
Amenities will not be reserved until the management office has received the signed, Amenity Lease/Rental Application Form, and any applicable checks covering the rental fee and security deposit, if required.
Amenities are reserved or rented on a first come first served basis.
All amenities must be vacated by 11 pm.
The Amenity Lease/Rental Application Form must be completed in full and signed by the Owner/Renter.
The Owner/Renter must provide management with a 2-weeks notice, for table and chair set up.
For Owners reservations, one check must accompany the Amenity Lease/Rental Application Form, for the Security Deposit Fee. For Owners who rent for an outside party, and for Renter reservations, two checks must accompany the Amenity Lease/Rental Application Form, one for the Security Deposit and another for the Cleaning Fees.
Checks should be payable to Corkscrew Shores Master Association, Inc.
Use of the Facility:
The Owner/Renter is responsible for entering guests into the TekWave system, so they will be able to enter the community.
The Owner/Renter is responsible for the conduct of their guests. Any cost incurred by the Association in restoring the facility will be billed to the Owner/Renter.
The Owner/Renter is responsible for returning the amenity to the condition in which it was received.
All trash and debris must be place in appropriate containers.
All countertops/tables/chairs/floors must be cleaned.
Adjacent amenity kitchen must be returned to the condition it was found in.
All furniture must be returned to its original placement, and all lights turned to Low setting
Management will inspect the amenity as soon as practicable after the event, and will return the Security Deposit, after determining the amenity has been returned in good order.
Gathering room $250 (flat fee).
Small dining room $75.
Cleaning Fee $250 - is refundable if Owner/Renter leave the facility as they found it (to be determined by management)
Cleaning and Rental fees are not refundable for rentals by outside groups.
August 18,2022
M&M Uncorked
By Dan mountney and Frank Meterko
Corkscrew Shores Unofficial community podcast. News, info, & interviews with residents, community leaders, volunteers & staff